Table 2.

Repeatability values for behavior in the assays for the three exposure groups before and after exposure (pre-control, control, pre-0.5 µg l−1, 0.5 µg l−1, pre-5 µg l−1 and 5 µg l−1)

Repeatability values for behavior in the assays for the three exposure groups before and after exposure (pre-control, control, pre-0.5 µg l−1, 0.5 µg l−1, pre-5 µg l−1 and 5 µg l−1)
Repeatability values for behavior in the assays for the three exposure groups before and after exposure (pre-control, control, pre-0.5 µg l−1, 0.5 µg l−1, pre-5 µg l−1 and 5 µg l−1)
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