Table 1.

Effects of applied force (Fn), plant and point of application on adhesion force

Fn 13 304.65 13 304.65 23.29 0.0001 
Plant 72 386.21 36 193.10 63.37 0.0001 
Point (plant) 9 719.21 1 943.84 3.40 0.0118 
Fn × plant 1 673.71 836.86 1.47 0.2432 
Fn × point (plant) 20 485.17 4 097.03 7.16 0.0001 
Fn 13 304.65 13 304.65 23.29 0.0001 
Plant 72 386.21 36 193.10 63.37 0.0001 
Point (plant) 9 719.21 1 943.84 3.40 0.0118 
Fn × plant 1 673.71 836.86 1.47 0.2432 
Fn × point (plant) 20 485.17 4 097.03 7.16 0.0001 

Results of the nested general linear model (GLM; r2=0.99, F21,40=172.89, P=0.0001), using SAS errors of type 3. d.f., degrees of freedom; F, the ANOVA test statistics; MS, mean square; P,probability value; r2, coefficient of determination; SS,sum of squares.

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