Table 3.

Mean body mass, mean wingbeat frequency (range), sample size and least-squares regression statistics for equations describing the relationship between wingbeat frequency and operative temperature for six species of euglossine bees hovering over chemical baits in Costa Rica and Panama

Speciesmb (mg)WBF (Hz)Nr2FP
Eg. sapphirina 65 211 (190-224) 60 0.140 9.41 0.033 
Eg. purpurea 97 223 (199-236) 103 0.228* 14.8 <0.0001 
Eg. championi 106 191 (178-204) 16 0.306 6.18 0.0261 
Eg. imperialis 158 177 (156-195) 159 0.272* 29.1 <0.0001 
El. cingulata 545 128 (118-135) 19 0.274 6.41 0.0215 
El. meriana 962 99 (90-108) 33 0.248 10.2 0.0032 
Speciesmb (mg)WBF (Hz)Nr2FP
Eg. sapphirina 65 211 (190-224) 60 0.140 9.41 0.033 
Eg. purpurea 97 223 (199-236) 103 0.228* 14.8 <0.0001 
Eg. championi 106 191 (178-204) 16 0.306 6.18 0.0261 
Eg. imperialis 158 177 (156-195) 159 0.272* 29.1 <0.0001 
El. cingulata 545 128 (118-135) 19 0.274 6.41 0.0215 
El. meriana 962 99 (90-108) 33 0.248 10.2 0.0032 

Quadratic equation.

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