Table 3.

Cardiovascular status of 5°C- and 21°C-acclimated normoxic turtles before and after intra-arterial injection of the α-adrenergic antagonist phentolamine

Acclimation temperatureDrug injectedHeart rate fH (beats min−1)Systemic stroke volume Vssys (ml kg−1)Systemic cardiac output sys(ml min−1 kg−1)Systemic blood pressure Psys (kPa)Systemic power output POsys (mW g−1)Systemic resistance Rsys (kPa ml−1 min kg)
5°C Routine normoxic 4.1±0.4* 2.31±0.37 9.2±1.3* 1.52±0.11* 0.126±0.025* 0.18±0.03* 
 Phentolamine (3 mg kg−14.3±0.5 3.21±0.57 12.8±1.8 0.98±0.06 0.108±0.015 0.08±0.01 
21°C Routine normoxic 21.3±2.0 1.95±0.29 (5) 42.9±8.0 (5) 2.83±0.53 1.508±0.323 (5) 0.09±0.02 (5) 
 Phentolamine (3 mg kg−122.6±3.4 2.84±0.90 (4) 63.5±18.6 (4) 2.08±0.33 1.777±0.591 (4) 0.06±0.02 (4) 
Acclimation temperatureDrug injectedHeart rate fH (beats min−1)Systemic stroke volume Vssys (ml kg−1)Systemic cardiac output sys(ml min−1 kg−1)Systemic blood pressure Psys (kPa)Systemic power output POsys (mW g−1)Systemic resistance Rsys (kPa ml−1 min kg)
5°C Routine normoxic 4.1±0.4* 2.31±0.37 9.2±1.3* 1.52±0.11* 0.126±0.025* 0.18±0.03* 
 Phentolamine (3 mg kg−14.3±0.5 3.21±0.57 12.8±1.8 0.98±0.06 0.108±0.015 0.08±0.01 
21°C Routine normoxic 21.3±2.0 1.95±0.29 (5) 42.9±8.0 (5) 2.83±0.53 1.508±0.323 (5) 0.09±0.02 (5) 
 Phentolamine (3 mg kg−122.6±3.4 2.84±0.90 (4) 63.5±18.6 (4) 2.08±0.33 1.777±0.591 (4) 0.06±0.02 (4) 

Values are means ± s.e.m. (N=6, unless otherwise indicated in parentheses).


Significant differences (P<0.05) between acclimation temperature for routine normoxic cardiovascular status.

Significant differences (P<0.05) between routine normoxic and phentolamine for each variable at each acclimation temperature.

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