Table 2.

Leg length and gait transition data for the three size groups of horses

Leg length (m) 0.73±0.04 * 1.24±0.02 * 1.41±0.04 <0.001 
W–T transition speed (m s-11.63±0.10 * 1.91±0.14 * 2.27±0.03 <0.001 
Froude no. at W–T transition 0.37±0.02  0.30±0.04  0.37±0.02 0.055 
Leg length (m) 0.73±0.04 * 1.24±0.02 * 1.41±0.04 <0.001 
W–T transition speed (m s-11.63±0.10 * 1.91±0.14 * 2.27±0.03 <0.001 
Froude no. at W–T transition 0.37±0.02  0.30±0.04  0.37±0.02 0.055 

Values are mean ± s.d.,N=3 for each size group. P-value is for a one-way ANOVA. *Denotes a statistically significant difference between the two adjacent columns (P<0.05;Tukey–Kramer HSD test).

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