Table 1.

Summary of the genetic experiments conducted and the resulting phenotypes

Cre used (gene deleted)Domain of expressionSingle OFT at E18.5Short OFT at E10.5Abnormal arch arteries at E10.5/E18.5AHF cell deathNCC deathAbnormal NCC localization/septation defect
Nkx2.5Cre (Shh or Smo) PE, AHF, specified myocardium, endocardium +/+ +/+ 
Wnt1-Cre (Smo) NCCs − +/+ − ?/+ 
Mef2C-Cre (Smo) AHF − −/+ − − −/+ 
TnT-Cre (Smo) Specified myocardium − − −/− ND ND ND 
Tie2-Cre (Smo) Endocardium − − −/− ND ND ND 
Cre used (gene deleted)Domain of expressionSingle OFT at E18.5Short OFT at E10.5Abnormal arch arteries at E10.5/E18.5AHF cell deathNCC deathAbnormal NCC localization/septation defect
Nkx2.5Cre (Shh or Smo) PE, AHF, specified myocardium, endocardium +/+ +/+ 
Wnt1-Cre (Smo) NCCs − +/+ − ?/+ 
Mef2C-Cre (Smo) AHF − −/+ − − −/+ 
TnT-Cre (Smo) Specified myocardium − − −/− ND ND ND 
Tie2-Cre (Smo) Endocardium − − −/− ND ND ND 

+, present; −, not present; ND, no data; ?, possibly; PE, pharyngeal endoderm; AHF, anterior heart field; NCC, neural crest cell.

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