Table 3.

Proportions of ovules with autonomous endosperm in single and double mutants

Genotype% ovules with autonomous endosperm
glc/GLC N/A 
mea-1/MEA-1 12.8 (41/319) 
glc/GLC mea-1/MEA-1 6.8 (26/383)* 
mea-8/MEA-8 28.7 (159/554) 
glc/GLC mea-8/MEA-8 16.8(115/684) 
msi1-3/MSI1-3 40.9 (208/509) 
glc/GLC msi1-3/MSI1-3 25.5(226/886) 
Genotype% ovules with autonomous endosperm
glc/GLC N/A 
mea-1/MEA-1 12.8 (41/319) 
glc/GLC mea-1/MEA-1 6.8 (26/383)* 
mea-8/MEA-8 28.7 (159/554) 
glc/GLC mea-8/MEA-8 16.8(115/684) 
msi1-3/MSI1-3 40.9 (208/509) 
glc/GLC msi1-3/MSI1-3 25.5(226/886) 

Raw numbers are in parentheses.

N/A, not applicable.


ϰ2=7.41, P≤0.01.

ϰ2=25.1, P≤0.001.

ϰ2=35.57, P≤0.001.

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