Table 2.

External ear phenotype in Sox3; Fgfr1 double mutants

Affected ear
GenotypeRightLeftBoth%total defect
Fgfr1n7/+ 0.0 (n=24) 
Sox3+/− 0.0 (n=24) 
Sox3−/γ or Sox3−/− 18.8 (n=16) 
Sox3+/−; Fgfr1n7/+ 20.5 (n=39) 
Sox3−/γ or Sox−/−; Fgfr1n7/+ 90 (n=10) 
Affected ear
GenotypeRightLeftBoth%total defect
Fgfr1n7/+ 0.0 (n=24) 
Sox3+/− 0.0 (n=24) 
Sox3−/γ or Sox3−/− 18.8 (n=16) 
Sox3+/−; Fgfr1n7/+ 20.5 (n=39) 
Sox3−/γ or Sox−/−; Fgfr1n7/+ 90 (n=10) 

Defects were monitored after weaning on littermates obtained either from Fgfr1n7/+ mated with Sox3−/γ or Sox3+/−; Fgfr1n7/+ mated with Sox3−/γ. Introduction of the hypomorphic Fgfr1 allele leads to the appearance of defects in Sox3+/− females and increases their penetrance in Sox3−/γ and Sox3−/− animals.

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