Table 1.

Mitotic parameters in larval brains from Drosophila lkb1(dlkb1) mutants

Genotype*# of cellsMetaphases (%)Anaphases (%)Telophases (%)Sym. telo (%)No asters§(%)Polyploid cells (%)
Oregon R 1,095 68.0 16.3 15.6 35 49 0.2 
315/315 423 83.5 10.9 6.6 68 82 20.2 
315/Df 1,120 81.3 13.0 5.7 65 81 22.5 
315/7 547 79.7 13.9 6.4 63 78 18.6 
Genotype*# of cellsMetaphases (%)Anaphases (%)Telophases (%)Sym. telo (%)No asters§(%)Polyploid cells (%)
Oregon R 1,095 68.0 16.3 15.6 35 49 0.2 
315/315 423 83.5 10.9 6.6 68 82 20.2 
315/Df 1,120 81.3 13.0 5.7 65 81 22.5 
315/7 547 79.7 13.9 6.4 63 78 18.6 

Oregon R, wild-type stock used as control; 315/315,dlkb1315/dlkb1315; 315/Df,dlkb1315/Df(3R)urd; 315/7,dlkb1315/dlkb17.

The numbers of cells scored refer only to diploid mitotic figures;polyploid cells were recorded but not used for calculation of the frequencies of different types of mitotic figures.

Sym. telo, relative frequencies of symmetric telophases.


No asters, diploid cells without asters or with very small asters.

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