Table 1.

her3 deletion constructs and effects of injecting mRNA

Construct (300 ng)ΣWild-type phenotypeNormal neurog1 expression and enlargement of the neural plate (%)Reduced neurog1 expression and enlargement of the neural plate (%)
her3 59 (100%) 19% 61% 20% 
her3 (600 ng) 63 (100%) 5% 44% 51% 
her3 Δ N 62 (100%) 42% 48% 10% 
her3 Δ b 60 (100%) 13% 80% 7% 
her3 Δ HLH 65 (100%) 17% 71% 12% 
her3 Δ bHLH 62 (100%) 18% 69% 13% 
her3 Δ bHLH (600 ng) 108 (100%) 83% 14% 2% 
her3 Δ orange 61 (100%) 11% 20% 69% 
her3 Δ C 63 (100%) 13% 16% 71% 
her3 Δ WRPW 64 (100%) 50% 44% 6% 
her3 Δ WRPW (600 ng) 90 (100%) 89% 11% – 
Construct (300 ng)ΣWild-type phenotypeNormal neurog1 expression and enlargement of the neural plate (%)Reduced neurog1 expression and enlargement of the neural plate (%)
her3 59 (100%) 19% 61% 20% 
her3 (600 ng) 63 (100%) 5% 44% 51% 
her3 Δ N 62 (100%) 42% 48% 10% 
her3 Δ b 60 (100%) 13% 80% 7% 
her3 Δ HLH 65 (100%) 17% 71% 12% 
her3 Δ bHLH 62 (100%) 18% 69% 13% 
her3 Δ bHLH (600 ng) 108 (100%) 83% 14% 2% 
her3 Δ orange 61 (100%) 11% 20% 69% 
her3 Δ C 63 (100%) 13% 16% 71% 
her3 Δ WRPW 64 (100%) 50% 44% 6% 
her3 Δ WRPW (600 ng) 90 (100%) 89% 11% – 
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