Table 1.

Neuronal cell counts in sensory ganglia in wild-type,BDNF–/– and BDNFNT3/NT3mice at P0

GanglionMean number of neurons ± s.e.m.Percentage of control ± s.e.m.
Wild type 30 183±1524 (n=6) 100±5 
BDNF-/- 27 610±985 (n=5) 91±3 
BDNFNT3/NT3 33 013±1097 (n=5) 109±4 
Wild type 11 604±439 (n=7) 100±4 
BDNF-/- 7 076±252 (n=4) 61±2*** 
BDNFNT3/NT3 9 315±548 (n=4) 80±5†, ** 
Dorsat root (L4)   
Wild type 9 045±592 (n=4) 100±7 
BDNF-/- 5 984±542 (n=4) 66±6* 
BDNFNT3/NT3 7 835±585 (n=5) 87±6 
GanglionMean number of neurons ± s.e.m.Percentage of control ± s.e.m.
Wild type 30 183±1524 (n=6) 100±5 
BDNF-/- 27 610±985 (n=5) 91±3 
BDNFNT3/NT3 33 013±1097 (n=5) 109±4 
Wild type 11 604±439 (n=7) 100±4 
BDNF-/- 7 076±252 (n=4) 61±2*** 
BDNFNT3/NT3 9 315±548 (n=4) 80±5†, ** 
Dorsat root (L4)   
Wild type 9 045±592 (n=4) 100±7 
BDNF-/- 5 984±542 (n=4) 66±6* 
BDNFNT3/NT3 7 835±585 (n=5) 87±6 

Cryostat sections from newborn mice of the indicated genotypes were prepared and stained with Cresyl Violet. Trigeminal ganglion neurons with a clear nucleus and nucleoli were counted in every 12th section, nodose every sixth and DRG every second section. ANOVA Fischer'sP<0.05 between BDNFNT3/NT3and BDNF-/- mice; ANOVA Fischer's *P<0.05,**P<0.005 and ***P<0.001 between mutant mice and wild-type mice.

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