Table 1.

Quantification of the retinal labeled-axon projection phenotype at the optic chiasm after in utero electroporation

RowGenotypeDNA injectedNumber of embryosAge at electroporationAge at sacrificeCipCcp
Wild type EGFP E13 E16 0.03±0.01** 0.41±0.07 
Wild type Zic2+EGFP E13 E16 0.24±0.04**,*** 0.27±0.05 
Wild type EGFP E14 E17 0.04±0.02 0.38±0.03 
Wild type Zic2+EGFP E14 E17 0.12±0.03 0.32±0.03 
EphB1KO EGFP E13 E16 0.03±0.02* 0.47±0.04 
EphB1KO Zic2+EGFP E13 E16 0.09±0.01*,*** 0.37±0.02 
RowGenotypeDNA injectedNumber of embryosAge at electroporationAge at sacrificeCipCcp
Wild type EGFP E13 E16 0.03±0.01** 0.41±0.07 
Wild type Zic2+EGFP E13 E16 0.24±0.04**,*** 0.27±0.05 
Wild type EGFP E14 E17 0.04±0.02 0.38±0.03 
Wild type Zic2+EGFP E14 E17 0.12±0.03 0.32±0.03 
EphB1KO EGFP E13 E16 0.03±0.02* 0.47±0.04 
EphB1KO Zic2+EGFP E13 E16 0.09±0.01*,*** 0.37±0.02 

For statistical analysis (Student's unpaired t-test) of data from:rows 5 and 6, *P<0.05; rows 1 and 2, **P<0.001; rows 2 and 6, ***P<0.004.

Cip, coefficient of ipsilaterally projecting axons.

Ccp, coefficient of contralaterally projecting axons.

EphB1KO, EphB1-knockout.

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