Table 1.

Homogeneity of the regression slopes between body size of Daphnia pulex reared singly and its age or between its clutch size and body size among the position of the single treatment flasks in the flow-through chambers

Body size Position × age 0.042 0.021 0.940 0.399 
 Residual 36 0.803 0.022   
Clutch size Position × body size 17.19 8.596 1.239 0.405 
 Residual 20.81 6.936   
Body size Position × age 0.042 0.021 0.940 0.399 
 Residual 36 0.803 0.022   
Clutch size Position × body size 17.19 8.596 1.239 0.405 
 Residual 20.81 6.936   

d.f., degrees of freedom; SS, sum of squares; MS, mean square

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