Table 3.

Comparison of time spent in the various compartments within the shuttle box in normoxia and hypoxia

TreatmentO2 (%)Cold (%)Warm (%)Middle (%)
Ramping shuttle box 21 48.7±1.7 51.3±1.7 
 49.1±4.2 50.9±4.2 
Extreme temperatures shuttle box 21 42.9±13.8 39.9±13.5 17.2±23.6 
 29.9±25.4 20.7±16.0 49.4±36.9 
TreatmentO2 (%)Cold (%)Warm (%)Middle (%)
Ramping shuttle box 21 48.7±1.7 51.3±1.7 
 49.1±4.2 50.9±4.2 
Extreme temperatures shuttle box 21 42.9±13.8 39.9±13.5 17.2±23.6 
 29.9±25.4 20.7±16.0 49.4±36.9 

Note, during the ramping trials lizards were never observed to sit in the middle between the two chambers. Significant effect of hypoxia (within a treatment) on the time spent in the middle between the two compartments (RM ANOVA, F1,9=3.6, P=0.006)

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