Table 1.

Thickness (nm) of the epicuticular grease layer in fresh, dry and dry treated with chloroform Pameridea roridulae and Calliphora vicina measured from freeze-fractured pieces of the leg cuticle by cryo-SEM

Freshly killed
Dry, treated with chloroform
P. roridulae 622.0A,a 516–713 557.0A,a 507–623 8.3B,a 8.3–11.7 
C. vicina 20.1A,b 19.8–29.7 19.8A,b 19.8–39.7 6.6B,b 6.3–6.6 
Freshly killed
Dry, treated with chloroform
P. roridulae 622.0A,a 516–713 557.0A,a 507–623 8.3B,a 8.3–11.7 
C. vicina 20.1A,b 19.8–29.7 19.8A,b 19.8–39.7 6.6B,b 6.3–6.6 

Different capital letters indicate statistical differences between values in the line (Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA on ranks and all pairwise multiple comparison procedure on ranks, Tukey test, P<0.05; P. roridulae: H2,29=22.12, P≤0.001; C. vicina: H2,29=20.39, P≤0.001). Different lower-case letters show statistical differences between values in the column(Mann–Whitney rank sum test, for each: T1,19=155.0, P≤0.001)

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