Table 4.

Results of one-way t-tests and log-likelihood statistics for bipedal vs quadrupedal speeds and accelerations, using maximum speed and acceleration (over entire stride)

Speciestd.f.PLog likelihoodtd.f.PLog likelihood
C. caudicinctus –1.84(6) 0.058 –31.1 –2.13(4.01) 0.050 –29.8 
C. femoralis –0.41(5) 0.350 –9.5 –0.33(5) 0.377 –10.0 
C. nuchalis –1.77(7) 0.060 –9.4 –4.59(3.58) 0.010 –1.6 
R. adelaidensis –2.90(5) 0.017 –5.6 –1.34(5) 0.119 –6.2 
Speciestd.f.PLog likelihoodtd.f.PLog likelihood
C. caudicinctus –1.84(6) 0.058 –31.1 –2.13(4.01) 0.050 –29.8 
C. femoralis –0.41(5) 0.350 –9.5 –0.33(5) 0.377 –10.0 
C. nuchalis –1.77(7) 0.060 –9.4 –4.59(3.58) 0.010 –1.6 
R. adelaidensis –2.90(5) 0.017 –5.6 –1.34(5) 0.119 –6.2 

Significant values (P<0.05) are in bold type. Log-likelihood statistic shows the strength of the threshold; values closer to 0 denote less overlap

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