Table 2.

Correlations between %bipedal and size-free dimensions

Size-free dimensionr2P
Head–neck length 0.35 0.016 
Thorax–abdomen length 0.26 0.043 
Tail length 0.05 0.389 
Fore-foot length 0.05 0.411 
Upper-forelimb length –0.21* 0.429 
Lower-forelimb length 0.08 0.285 
Hind-foot length 0.39* 0.133 
Upper-hindlimb length 0.09 0.255 
Lower-hindlimb length 0.34 0.018 
Size-free dimensionr2P
Head–neck length 0.35 0.016 
Thorax–abdomen length 0.26 0.043 
Tail length 0.05 0.389 
Fore-foot length 0.05 0.411 
Upper-forelimb length –0.21* 0.429 
Lower-forelimb length 0.08 0.285 
Hind-foot length 0.39* 0.133 
Upper-hindlimb length 0.09 0.255 
Lower-hindlimb length 0.34 0.018 

Parametric tests used Pearson correlations, non-parametric tests used Spearman rank correlation. *Spearmans rank correlation(rs)

Significant values (P<0.05) are in bold type. AfterŠidàk–Bonferonni corrections for multiple tests,significance levels for parametric and non-parametric tests are 0.007 and 0.025, respectively

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