Table 2.

Oreochromis niloticus sound parameters (means ± s.d.) under stimulation with (PJ KO) and without (Stim) the pharyngeal jaws blocked and results of the Mann–Whitney U-test

VariablesN fishesN pulses StimN pulses PJ KOMean ± s.d. StimMean ± s.d. PJ KOM–W P (<0.05)
Duration (ms) 90 90 138.2±12 139.3±21.2 NS 
Frequency (Hz) 90 90 60.1±36 42.7±25.9 *** 
dB rel. 90 90 33.3±2.2 33.2±2.6 NS 
VariablesN fishesN pulses StimN pulses PJ KOMean ± s.d. StimMean ± s.d. PJ KOM–W P (<0.05)
Duration (ms) 90 90 138.2±12 139.3±21.2 NS 
Frequency (Hz) 90 90 60.1±36 42.7±25.9 *** 
dB rel. 90 90 33.3±2.2 33.2±2.6 NS 

P>0.05=NS and P<0.001=***

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