Table 1.

Series 1. The percentage of nitrogenous waste excreted in the form of urea and ammonia by toadfish during an initial 24 hour control period followed by a treatment period with either a saline vehicle or metyrapone

Control period
Treatment period
Metyrapone concentration (mg ml–1)% Urea-N% Ammonia-N% Urea-N% Ammonia-N
0 87.1±5.6 12.8±7.1 88.6±6.2 12.7±6.9 
20 93.8±1.1 6.9±1.9 85.2±4.2* 15.3±3.7* 
Control period
Treatment period
Metyrapone concentration (mg ml–1)% Urea-N% Ammonia-N% Urea-N% Ammonia-N
0 87.1±5.6 12.8±7.1 88.6±6.2 12.7±6.9 
20 93.8±1.1 6.9±1.9 85.2±4.2* 15.3±3.7* 

Values are means ± s.e.m.


A significant difference in the percentage excretion from the corresponding control period within the treatment group (P<0.05)

Saline vehicle only (150 mmol l–1 NaCl, 1.5 μl g–1 body mass); N=6

20 mg ml–1 metyrapone (in 150 mmol l–1NaCl, 1.5 μl g–1 body mass); N=7

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