Table 3.

Mean values of sound pressure (p-p) measured at the given distances and directions (i–vi) relative to the vibrating bee

Sound pressure (mPa) in directions i–vi
Distance (mm)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)F5,55P
323.0a 267.4a,b 302.7a,b 246.7b,c 215.8c 236.0b,c 6.25 <0.001 
10 207.1a 190.6a,b 199.1a 189.1a,b 180.2a,b 151.0b 3.49 0.008 
15 152.0a,b 169.6a 169.9a 154.8a,b 120.9b 124.2b 6.51 <0.001 
20 146.2a 135.6a 142.2a 127.7a,b 106.4b,c 97.5c 8.94 <0.001 
Sound pressure (mPa) in directions i–vi
Distance (mm)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)F5,55P
323.0a 267.4a,b 302.7a,b 246.7b,c 215.8c 236.0b,c 6.25 <0.001 
10 207.1a 190.6a,b 199.1a 189.1a,b 180.2a,b 151.0b 3.49 0.008 
15 152.0a,b 169.6a 169.9a 154.8a,b 120.9b 124.2b 6.51 <0.001 
20 146.2a 135.6a 142.2a 127.7a,b 106.4b,c 97.5c 8.94 <0.001 

See Fig. 1B for details on directions i–iv

Bold letters emphasize highest measured values at the given distance

Sound pressures measured at same distances (⩾5 mm) but in different directions were compared using one-way repeated measures ANOVA(F-values given). Level for significance of difference is Pcorr.⩽0.025. Values in a row that have same superscript letters did not differ significantly from each other (pairwise comparison: Tukey-test, P>0.05)

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