Table 5.

Partial correlations between moment arm and O2 at 16 km h–1, corrected for covariance with selected anthropometric variables (in parentheses) (N=15)

Anthropometric variabler2P-value
Moment arm (BMI) 0.41 0.01* 
Moment arm (foot length) 0.35 0.03* 
Moment arm (lower–leg volume) 0.38 0.02* 
Moment arm (lower–leg moment of inertia) 0.29 0.05* 
Anthropometric variabler2P-value
Moment arm (BMI) 0.41 0.01* 
Moment arm (foot length) 0.35 0.03* 
Moment arm (lower–leg volume) 0.38 0.02* 
Moment arm (lower–leg moment of inertia) 0.29 0.05* 

BMI, body mass index. r2, explained variance(*P≤0.05). N, number of subjects

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