Table 3.

Correlations between anthropometric variables and O2 at 16 km h–1 (N=15)

Anthropometric variabler2SlopeP-value
Mass 0.17 0.25 0.12 
Height 0.09 0.22 0.29 
Body mass index (BMI) 0.26 1.77 0.05* 
Foot length 0.33 2.20 0.03* 
Lower-leg length 0.18 1.43 0.12 
Total leg length 0.14 0.47 0.17 
Lower-leg volume 0.28 7.19 0.04* 
Lower-leg moment of inertia 0.39 709 0.01* 
Moment arm 0.56 11.91 0.00* 
Lower-leg circumference 0.24 0.85 0.07 
Anthropometric variabler2SlopeP-value
Mass 0.17 0.25 0.12 
Height 0.09 0.22 0.29 
Body mass index (BMI) 0.26 1.77 0.05* 
Foot length 0.33 2.20 0.03* 
Lower-leg length 0.18 1.43 0.12 
Total leg length 0.14 0.47 0.17 
Lower-leg volume 0.28 7.19 0.04* 
Lower-leg moment of inertia 0.39 709 0.01* 
Moment arm 0.56 11.91 0.00* 
Lower-leg circumference 0.24 0.85 0.07 

r2, explained variance(*P≤0.05). N, number of subjects

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