Table 2.

Mean heart rate over 10 heartbeats preceding and following three air breaths under different conditions

NormoxiaHypoxiaPropranololAtropineTotal blockade
Pre-AB 32.1±1.8a 26.2±2.1b 19.8±1.6c – 81.1±2.3d 
Post-AB 32.1±1.8a 47.6±1.3b 42.7±1.5c – 81.2±1.9d 
Pre-AB* 31.4±2.8a 24.9±3.3b – 92.3±0.5c 83.6±1.9d 
Post-AB* 31.4±2.8a 52.8±1.9b – 93.5±0.5c 83.2±1.8d 
NormoxiaHypoxiaPropranololAtropineTotal blockade
Pre-AB 32.1±1.8a 26.2±2.1b 19.8±1.6c – 81.1±2.3d 
Post-AB 32.1±1.8a 47.6±1.3b 42.7±1.5c – 81.2±1.9d 
Pre-AB* 31.4±2.8a 24.9±3.3b – 92.3±0.5c 83.6±1.9d 
Post-AB* 31.4±2.8a 52.8±1.9b – 93.5±0.5c 83.2±1.8d 

Heart rate data (beats min–1) are means ± s.e.m. for 21 observations on seven jeju exposed to hypoxia and then infused 2 h later with propranolol and then atropine. AB, air breaths. Asterisks indicate N=4 jeju exposed to hypoxia and then infused with atropine and 2 h later with propranolol. Normoxic fish did not air breath and therefore pre-and post-AB values are mean rates taken from randomly selected sections of ECG trace containing 20 heartbeats. Means with a common superscript letter within rows are not significantly different (P>0.05) by Fisher's least significant difference procedure

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