Table 2.

Gill morphometric parameters for transgenic and control Atlantic salmon

ControlTransgenicTrans/Con ratioP value
Number of filaments 263±21 260±13 0.99 0.72 
Total filament length (mm) 19530±832 20432±494 1.08 0.35 
Lamellar density (mm-126.6±3.5 22.8±3.2 0.86 0.25 
Lamellar area (mm20.098±0.002 0.112±0.001 1.15 0.42 
Total gill area (mm2 g-1143.37±10 134.8±6.0 0.94 0.49 
ControlTransgenicTrans/Con ratioP value
Number of filaments 263±21 260±13 0.99 0.72 
Total filament length (mm) 19530±832 20432±494 1.08 0.35 
Lamellar density (mm-126.6±3.5 22.8±3.2 0.86 0.25 
Lamellar area (mm20.098±0.002 0.112±0.001 1.15 0.42 
Total gill area (mm2 g-1143.37±10 134.8±6.0 0.94 0.49 

Number of filaments is the average number of filaments on one side of each gill arch; total filament length is the total length of all filament on the entire fish; lamellar density is the average number of lamellae per mm of filament; lamellar area is the average area of all lamellae; and total gill area represents the gill area for the entire fish.

All data were compared using an ANCOVA with body mass as the covariate(except for body mass, which was compared using a one-way ANOVA, P<0.05). Significance for the ANCOVA was determined using the calculated comparison-wise P value (P=0.0032, see Materials and methods).

Values are means ± 1 standard error (N=8).

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