Table 1.

Hepatosomatic indices, condition factors, lipid contents in liver and RNA content of G. morhua acclimated to 4°C and 10°C

SpeciesAcclimation temperature (°C)HSI (%)Condition factor (g cm-3×1000)Total lipids (%)Liver RNA (Q) (μg mg-1 fresh mass)Muscle RNA (T) (μg mg-1 fresh mass)
G. morhua (NSC) 4.0 2.19±0.41 9.20±0.29 25.4±7.1 1.27±0.22* 0.44±0.06 
 10.0 1.04±0.05 8.46±0.60 14.9±2.0 2.97±0.33 0.41±0.09 
G. morhua (NEAC) 4.0 3.26±0.61* 8.32±0.28 35.0±7.0 1.65±0.22 0.58±0.09 
 10.0 1.27±0.10 8.17±0.74 24.3±9.1 2.32±0.29 0.40±0.03 
SpeciesAcclimation temperature (°C)HSI (%)Condition factor (g cm-3×1000)Total lipids (%)Liver RNA (Q) (μg mg-1 fresh mass)Muscle RNA (T) (μg mg-1 fresh mass)
G. morhua (NSC) 4.0 2.19±0.41 9.20±0.29 25.4±7.1 1.27±0.22* 0.44±0.06 
 10.0 1.04±0.05 8.46±0.60 14.9±2.0 2.97±0.33 0.41±0.09 
G. morhua (NEAC) 4.0 3.26±0.61* 8.32±0.28 35.0±7.0 1.65±0.22 0.58±0.09 
 10.0 1.27±0.10 8.17±0.74 24.3±9.1 2.32±0.29 0.40±0.03 

NSC, North Sea cod; NEAC, north-eastern Arctic cod.

Values are means ± s.e.m. (N=5-6).

Hepatosomatic indices (HSI)=(liver:body mass)×100.

Condition factors were calculated as previously described(Lucassen et al., 2003). Condition factor=[mass (g)×total length(cm)-3]×1000.

Liver lipid content is relative to fresh mass.

RNA content in liver was determined using the RNeasy kit from Qiagen (Q)and in muscle, the Trifast kit (T).


Significant difference from the warm-acclimated control group within a population.

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