Table 4.

Vastus comparison of observed strain at 3.5 m s1with strain predicted from kinematics

Phase of activityJoint range of motion (degrees)Predicted strain (% of fascicle length)Observed strain (% of fascicle length)P
−10.4±1.4 2.9±0.4 −9.4±1.8 0.008 
3.3±0.6 −0.9±0.2 −4.5±1.6 0.086 
−11.6±1.4 3.2±0.4 −3.7±1.9 0.030 
3.5±0.7 −1.0±0.2 −2.7±1.5 0.282 
3+4+5  1.3±0.2 −11.0±2.0  
3+5  −1.9±0.2 −7.2±1.8  
Phase of activityJoint range of motion (degrees)Predicted strain (% of fascicle length)Observed strain (% of fascicle length)P
−10.4±1.4 2.9±0.4 −9.4±1.8 0.008 
3.3±0.6 −0.9±0.2 −4.5±1.6 0.086 
−11.6±1.4 3.2±0.4 −3.7±1.9 0.030 
3.5±0.7 −1.0±0.2 −2.7±1.5 0.282 
3+4+5  1.3±0.2 −11.0±2.0  
3+5  −1.9±0.2 −7.2±1.8  

Values are mean ± s.e.m.; N=4.

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