Table 2.

Mechanical parameters from IFM skinned fiber sinusoidal analysis

GenotypeNfmax (Hz)Power output (W m-3)Ev (kN m-3)Ee (kN m-3)Dynamic stiffness (kN m-3)
+/+ 10 131±6 46±7 -95±15 441±40 453±40 
P{fln+}0.2 113±8 39±7 -88±15 419±61 428±62 
P{fln+}2.2 130±15 34±5 -73±74 362±42 374±38 
fln0 † 14 77±38 -4±3 -3±5 56±14 57±15 
GenotypeNfmax (Hz)Power output (W m-3)Ev (kN m-3)Ee (kN m-3)Dynamic stiffness (kN m-3)
+/+ 10 131±6 46±7 -95±15 441±40 453±40 
P{fln+}0.2 113±8 39±7 -88±15 419±61 428±62 
P{fln+}2.2 130±15 34±5 -73±74 362±42 374±38 
fln0 † 14 77±38 -4±3 -3±5 56±14 57±15 

Values are means ± s.e.m. at the frequency at which maximum power production occurred (fmax) at maximum Ca2+ activation (pCa 5). N, number of fibers tested. Ev, viscous modulus, Ee, elastic modulus. All fibers from 2–5-day-old flies except fln0,from Henkin et al.(2004). Oscillatory work is proportional to –Ev.

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