Table 1.

Flight and muscle properties of normal, mutant and transgenic flies

GenotypeFlight index (0–6)Thick filaments per sarcomereSarcomere length(μm)
+/+ 5.4±0.1 (N=30) 945±9 (N=48) 3.2±0.03 (N=87) 
P{fln+}0.2 3.2±0.2*(N=30) 782±13*(N=67) 3.4±0.03 (N=87) 
P{fln+}2.2 5.6±0.1 (N=30) 943±16 (N=10) 3.5±0.03 (N=16) 
fln0 0 (N=30) ND 2.3±0.09*(N=64) 
GenotypeFlight index (0–6)Thick filaments per sarcomereSarcomere length(μm)
+/+ 5.4±0.1 (N=30) 945±9 (N=48) 3.2±0.03 (N=87) 
P{fln+}0.2 3.2±0.2*(N=30) 782±13*(N=67) 3.4±0.03 (N=87) 
P{fln+}2.2 5.6±0.1 (N=30) 943±16 (N=10) 3.5±0.03 (N=16) 
fln0 0 (N=30) ND 2.3±0.09*(N=64) 

Denotes a significant difference (P<0.05) from wild type

all measurements from 2–5-day-old adults. All values are means± s.e.m.

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