Table 1.

Haemolymph respiratory and acid–base status of laboratory acclimated Discoplax hirtipes at rest or after 5 min of exercise at either 40% or 90% relative humidity (RH)

PO2 (kPa)
[O2] (mmol l-1)
% Hc O2 saturation
Resting 12.75±0.64 8.88±1.67p 1.05±0.12a,p 0.99±0.12 0.87±0.12 0.46±0.07a 96.65±6.54 83.58±4.61 44.80±4.21a,p 
Exercised at 40% RH 5.24±1.13 4.73±1.26 1.17±0.09a,p 0.94±0.18 0.78±0.10 0.40±0.06a 89.03±5.01 79.28±6.92 39.64±2.36a,p 
Exercised at 90% RH 2.49±0.22*, 3.62±0.59 1.12±0.13a,p 1.28±0.13 1.20±0.08*, 0.39±0.05a,p 87.21±5.03 83.87±4.10 28.48±4.95a,p,*, 
PO2 (kPa)
[O2] (mmol l-1)
% Hc O2 saturation
Resting 12.75±0.64 8.88±1.67p 1.05±0.12a,p 0.99±0.12 0.87±0.12 0.46±0.07a 96.65±6.54 83.58±4.61 44.80±4.21a,p 
Exercised at 40% RH 5.24±1.13 4.73±1.26 1.17±0.09a,p 0.94±0.18 0.78±0.10 0.40±0.06a 89.03±5.01 79.28±6.92 39.64±2.36a,p 
Exercised at 90% RH 2.49±0.22*, 3.62±0.59 1.12±0.13a,p 1.28±0.13 1.20±0.08*, 0.39±0.05a,p 87.21±5.03 83.87±4.10 28.48±4.95a,p,*, 
PCO2 (kPa)
[CO2] (mmol l-1)
Resting 1.70±0.09 1.37±0.17 1.56±0.10 16.47±1.89 17.49±1.90 17.34±1.81 7.63±0.04 7.60±0.04 7.59±0.04 
Exercised at 40% RH 1.76±0.18 2.10±0.15 2.24±0.16 13.11±1.43 12.51±1.53 13.86±1.15 7.49±0.02 7.45±0.03 7.35±0.04 
Exercised at 90% RH 2.14±0.22 2.34±0.22 2.69±0.19*, 12.20±0.81 12.79±0.73 11.89±0.62 7.40±0.03*, 7.40±0.03 7.35±0.03 
PCO2 (kPa)
[CO2] (mmol l-1)
Resting 1.70±0.09 1.37±0.17 1.56±0.10 16.47±1.89 17.49±1.90 17.34±1.81 7.63±0.04 7.60±0.04 7.59±0.04 
Exercised at 40% RH 1.76±0.18 2.10±0.15 2.24±0.16 13.11±1.43 12.51±1.53 13.86±1.15 7.49±0.02 7.45±0.03 7.35±0.04 
Exercised at 90% RH 2.14±0.22 2.34±0.22 2.69±0.19*, 12.20±0.81 12.79±0.73 11.89±0.62 7.40±0.03*, 7.40±0.03 7.35±0.03 

There were no significant differences between pulmonary and arterial samples. Significant differences compared with arterial samples are indicated by an `a', while differences compared with pulmonary are indicated by a `p'above the venous sample for each treatment group.


indicates a difference in values of crabs exercised at 90% compared with those at 40% RH

indicates a difference between crabs exercised at the respective humidity and those at rest. Differences between treatments were assessed by parametric analysis (ANOVA) with post-hoc testing (Tukey's HSD pair-wise comparison), while differences within treatments (i.e. haemolymph type) were assessed using Friedman's two-factor ANOVA for related samples, a non-parametric equivalent to one-factor ANOVA. N=8 for each treatment; total N=64

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