Table 2.

Effect of cold acclimation on trehalose body content in G. fossarum, N. rhenorhodanensis and N. virei

Trehalose content (μmol g-1 fresh mass)
G. fossarum 1.19±0.20 1.05±0.35 5.65±1.69*,† 
N. rhenorhodanensis 1.54±0.20 6.31±0.51* 19.66±5.17*,† 
N. virei 0.61±0.36 2.00±0.66 
Trehalose content (μmol g-1 fresh mass)
G. fossarum 1.19±0.20 1.05±0.35 5.65±1.69*,† 
N. rhenorhodanensis 1.54±0.20 6.31±0.51* 19.66±5.17*,† 
N. virei 0.61±0.36 2.00±0.66 

Values are means ± s.e.m.(N=4-6). *Significant difference (P<0.05) between cold-acclimated and control groups; significant difference(P<0.05) between groups acclimated at 3°C and groups acclimated at -2°C.

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