Table 4.

Properties of endo-β-1,4-glucanases and β-1,4-glucosidases from various invertebrates

SpeciespH optimumKm (mg ml-1 CMC)pH optimumKm (mmol l-1 cellobiose)Ki (mmol l-1)Reference
Reticulitermes speratus (termite) 1.83, 1.48    Watanabe et al. (1997) 
Nasutitermes takasagoensis (termite) 5.8 8.7    Tokuda et al. (1997) 
Panesthia cribrata (cockroach)  9.4, 6.8  2.4, 13.8 0.33 Scrivener and Slaytor (1994) 
Geoscapheus dilatatus (cockroach)  8.7, 4.6, 7.6    Scrivener et al. (1997) 
Erinnyis ello (cassava hornworm)   6.5 2±0.2 0.0009 Santos and Terra (1985) 
Locusta migratoria (locust)   5.5 1.95  Morgan (1975) 
Cherax quadricarinatus (decapod crustacean) 4–5     Xue et al. (1999) 
Gecarcoidea natalis (decapod) 5.5–7 3.03 4–7 5.84 11.12 Present study 
Discoplax hirtipes (decapod) 5.5–7  4–7 4.23 4.53 Present study 
SpeciespH optimumKm (mg ml-1 CMC)pH optimumKm (mmol l-1 cellobiose)Ki (mmol l-1)Reference
Reticulitermes speratus (termite) 1.83, 1.48    Watanabe et al. (1997) 
Nasutitermes takasagoensis (termite) 5.8 8.7    Tokuda et al. (1997) 
Panesthia cribrata (cockroach)  9.4, 6.8  2.4, 13.8 0.33 Scrivener and Slaytor (1994) 
Geoscapheus dilatatus (cockroach)  8.7, 4.6, 7.6    Scrivener et al. (1997) 
Erinnyis ello (cassava hornworm)   6.5 2±0.2 0.0009 Santos and Terra (1985) 
Locusta migratoria (locust)   5.5 1.95  Morgan (1975) 
Cherax quadricarinatus (decapod crustacean) 4–5     Xue et al. (1999) 
Gecarcoidea natalis (decapod) 5.5–7 3.03 4–7 5.84 11.12 Present study 
Discoplax hirtipes (decapod) 5.5–7  4–7 4.23 4.53 Present study 

CMC, carboxymethyl cellulose. Ki is the inhibitory constant of glucono-d-lactone on β-1,4-glucosidase.

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