Table 2.

Failure time analysis of the time swum by Atlantic cod, using the Cox proportional hazards model, including all the variables measured

Variables in the modelr2χ2d.f.*P value
Burst—coast 0.81 55.4 <0.0001 
LDH activity in white muscle caudal sample 0.04 7.6 0.0002 
CCO activity in white muscle caudal sample 0.02 4.9 0.0217 
Variables in the modelr2χ2d.f.*P value
Burst—coast 0.81 55.4 <0.0001 
LDH activity in white muscle caudal sample 0.04 7.6 0.0002 
CCO activity in white muscle caudal sample 0.02 4.9 0.0217 
 Model r2
Model χ2
P value
 0.87 67.9 <0.0001 
 Model r2
Model χ2
P value
 0.87 67.9 <0.0001 

LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; CCO, cytochrome c oxidase.

Variables were entered into the model using forward stepwise selection.

Burst—coast indicates the total number of burst—coast movements made by fish during the swim test.


, degrees of freedom.

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