Table 2.

Characteristics of the discontinuous gas exchange cycle ofCircellium bacchus during continuous sampling from either outside or inside the subelytral cavity

DGC characteristics
From the mesothoracic spiracle
From the subelytral spiracles
Body Mass (g) 6.93 2.83 6.94 2.37 
Frequency (mHz) 0.26 0.10 0.25 0.07 
Duration (min) 77.35 23.1 72.4 20.6 
Burst period:     
CO2 volume (μl) 318.5 268.9 272.6 134.2 
Duration (min) 33.7 9.1 32.1 10.6 
Flutter period:     
CO2 volume (μl) 25.2 17.5 
Duration (min) 25.4 7.0 
DGC characteristics
From the mesothoracic spiracle
From the subelytral spiracles
Body Mass (g) 6.93 2.83 6.94 2.37 
Frequency (mHz) 0.26 0.10 0.25 0.07 
Duration (min) 77.35 23.1 72.4 20.6 
Burst period:     
CO2 volume (μl) 318.5 268.9 272.6 134.2 
Duration (min) 33.7 9.1 32.1 10.6 
Flutter period:     
CO2 volume (μl) 25.2 17.5 
Duration (min) 25.4 7.0 

DGC, discontinuous gas exchange cycle; SEC, subelytral cavity; -, no measurement taken.

Total DGCs = 51, approximately eight per beetle. Readings from the mesothoracic spiracles were taken on individuals that had elytral holes resealed with dental wax.

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