Table 7.

Units of activities per g tissue of glutamine synthetase (GS),carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS), ornithine transcarbamoylase (OTC),arginosuccinate synthetase + lyase (ASS+L) and arginase in the liver and stomach ofT. lymma in seawater (30‰) at pH 8

Enzyme activity (μmol min−1 g−1 wet mass)
EnzymesSubstrate and effectorLiverStomach
GS 15.6±1.59 22.44±8.09 
OTC 34.8±3.09 15.27±5.64 
ASS+L 0.94±0.10 0.30±0.12 
Arginase 84.8±12.4 32.61±12.37 
CPS Glutamine 0.13±0.02 0.0011±0.0072 
 Glutamine + AGA 0.54±0.06 0.0059±0.0026 
 Glutamine + AGA + UTP 0.48±0.05 0.0055±0.0025 
Enzyme activity (μmol min−1 g−1 wet mass)
EnzymesSubstrate and effectorLiverStomach
GS 15.6±1.59 22.44±8.09 
OTC 34.8±3.09 15.27±5.64 
ASS+L 0.94±0.10 0.30±0.12 
Arginase 84.8±12.4 32.61±12.37 
CPS Glutamine 0.13±0.02 0.0011±0.0072 
 Glutamine + AGA 0.54±0.06 0.0059±0.0026 
 Glutamine + AGA + UTP 0.48±0.05 0.0055±0.0025 

AGA, N-acetyl-l-glutamate; UTP, uridine triphosphate.

Results represent means ± s.e.m. (N=4).

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