Table 2.

Treatment groups, number of fish (N) and adjusted means± s.e.m. of total swimbladder masses(MTS) in experiment C

MI INT 10 5.41±0.14 
MI CAST 12 4.83±0.10* 
MII INT 5.23±0.13 
MII CAST 4.74±0.11* 
F INT 12 4.97±0.11 
MI INT 10 5.41±0.14 
MI CAST 12 4.83±0.10* 
MII INT 5.23±0.13 
MII CAST 4.74±0.11* 
F INT 12 4.97±0.11 

INT, intact; CAST, castrated; MI, type I male; MII,type II male; F, female.


Significant differences from respective control at P<0.01.

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