Table 4.

Effects of 4 days of exposure to environmental ammonia (10 mmol l−1 NH4Cl in 0.7‰ water at pH 7) on the osmolality and concentrations of Na+ and Cl in the plasma of Himantura signifer

Osmolality (mosmol kg−1416±19.3 442±8.85 
[Na+] (mmol 1−1167±7.18 155±5.19 
[Cl] (mmol 1−1164±10.0 155±3.69 
Osmolality (mosmol kg−1416±19.3 442±8.85 
[Na+] (mmol 1−1167±7.18 155±5.19 
[Cl] (mmol 1−1164±10.0 155±3.69 

Results represent means ± s.e.m. (N=6).

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