Table 8.

Roots, or eigenvalues, of the characteristic equation for each of the three locusts

Roots of characteristic equation
`R' −4.9±62i 5.0 −2.5 
`G' −7.1±100i 5.7 −3.5 
`B' −5.3±55i 6.0 −3.9 
Roots of characteristic equation
`R' −4.9±62i 5.0 −2.5 
`G' −7.1±100i 5.7 −3.5 
`B' −5.3±55i 6.0 −3.9 

Note that each locust has one pair of complex conjugate roots(λ1,2) with negative real parts (describing a stable oscillatory mode), one positive real root (λ3, describing an unstable divergence mode), and one negative real root (λ4,describing a stable subsidence mode).

The real parts of the roots define the damping of the modes.

Imaginary parts define the angular frequency of an oscillatory mode.

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