Table 2.

Swimming speed ULof hagfish as a function of the midline kinematic variables, determined by multiple regression

Independent variable (d.f.)Sum of squares (s.s.)F ratioP
Individual (7) 0.0791 3.17 0.078 
κ0 (1) 0.0101 2.83 0.137 
ω (1) 0.0387 10.82 0.013 
λκ/2 (1) 0.0012 0.34 0.455 
y0,11 (1) 0.0022 0.62 0.455 
y0,30 (1) 0.0082 2.30 0.173 
α0 (1) 0.0031 0.86 0.384 
δy-α (1) 0.0040 1.13 0.324 
δy-κ (1) 0.0003 0.11 0.755 
Independent variable (d.f.)Sum of squares (s.s.)F ratioP
Individual (7) 0.0791 3.17 0.078 
κ0 (1) 0.0101 2.83 0.137 
ω (1) 0.0387 10.82 0.013 
λκ/2 (1) 0.0012 0.34 0.455 
y0,11 (1) 0.0022 0.62 0.455 
y0,30 (1) 0.0082 2.30 0.173 
α0 (1) 0.0031 0.86 0.384 
δy-α (1) 0.0040 1.13 0.324 
δy-κ (1) 0.0003 0.11 0.755 
Summary of fitANOVAF ratioP
N=23 Model s.s.=0.3985 7.44  
r2=0.941, adj. r2=0.814 Error s.s.=0.0250  0.006 
Summary of fitANOVAF ratioP
N=23 Model s.s.=0.3985 7.44  
r2=0.941, adj. r2=0.814 Error s.s.=0.0250  0.006 

adj., adjusted.

P<0.05 is significant and indicated as such in bold, N=23.

In a post-hoc univariate regression, UL=0.3178+0.0419ω (r2=0.460,adj. r2=0.434; P=0.0004).

See List of symbols for definitions of variables and units.

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