Table 1.

Percentage composition of membrane fractions from cold- and warm-acclimated animals

% Composition
AnimalMembrane fractionCholesterolPhospholipidProtein
Warm-acclimated PM 9.5±0.4 23.1±1.1 67.4±0.8 
 RDPM 10.0±0.4 23.0±1.5 67.0±1.3 
 Raft 16.1±1.0 27.6±1.5 56.3±1.2 
Cold-acclimated PM 8.5±0.3 25.4±0.6 66.1±0.7 
 RDPM 7.3±0.2 27.5±1.0 65.2±1.1 
 Raft 11.5±1.3 35.9±3.3 52.7±2.2 
% Composition
AnimalMembrane fractionCholesterolPhospholipidProtein
Warm-acclimated PM 9.5±0.4 23.1±1.1 67.4±0.8 
 RDPM 10.0±0.4 23.0±1.5 67.0±1.3 
 Raft 16.1±1.0 27.6±1.5 56.3±1.2 
Cold-acclimated PM 8.5±0.3 25.4±0.6 66.1±0.7 
 RDPM 7.3±0.2 27.5±1.0 65.2±1.1 
 Raft 11.5±1.3 35.9±3.3 52.7±2.2 

Values are means ± S.E.M. (N=6) and are based on the assumption that cholesterol, phospholipid and protein content add up to 100%of the membrane.

PM, plasma membrane; RDPM, raft-depleted plasma membrane.

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