Table 1.

Correlation of the two eyes during optokinesis under different stimulus conditions

Normal optokinesis Yoked fast phase Mainly independent fast phase Independent fast phase 
Split drum stimulation Disjunctive fast and slow phase, slow phase gain linked, convergence to temporo-nasal stimulation Independent fast and slow phase, independent slow phase gain Independent fast and slow phase, independent slow phase gain 
Monocular stimulation with visual feedback to contralateral eye Yoked optokinesis, seeing eye drives eye that views stationary grating Independent slow phase, fast eye movement sometimes linked, but no optokinesis in contralateral eye Independent slow and fast phase, no optokinesis in contralateral eye 
Monocular stimulation, contralateral eye occluded Yoked optokinesis, seeing eye drives occluded eye Yoked slow phase, fast phase largely independent Independent slow and fast phase, no optokinesis in contralateral eye 
Normal optokinesis Yoked fast phase Mainly independent fast phase Independent fast phase 
Split drum stimulation Disjunctive fast and slow phase, slow phase gain linked, convergence to temporo-nasal stimulation Independent fast and slow phase, independent slow phase gain Independent fast and slow phase, independent slow phase gain 
Monocular stimulation with visual feedback to contralateral eye Yoked optokinesis, seeing eye drives eye that views stationary grating Independent slow phase, fast eye movement sometimes linked, but no optokinesis in contralateral eye Independent slow and fast phase, no optokinesis in contralateral eye 
Monocular stimulation, contralateral eye occluded Yoked optokinesis, seeing eye drives occluded eye Yoked slow phase, fast phase largely independent Independent slow and fast phase, no optokinesis in contralateral eye 

The results clearly show differences in the degree of correlation between the two eyes in the species studied. The emerging picture is that of a sliding scale of conjugacy, revealing different linkage strengths between the eyes of the different species.

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