Table 3.

Diastolic Ca2+ levels (nmol l-1) in trout atrial myocytes

7°C 92±20e 401±63f 158±37e 
14°C 76±8e 450±15f 176±32g 
21°C 80±5e 444±42f 186±22g 
7°C 92±20e 401±63f 158±37e 
14°C 76±8e 450±15f 176±32g 
21°C 80±5e 444±42f 186±22g 

The effect of temperature and the frequency/stimulus waveform on diastolic[Ca2+]i. Diastolic Ca2+ levels were significantly affected by frequency/stimulus changes but not by temperature changes. All other features are as in Table 1.

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