Table 2.

Results from analysis of covariance from five largemouth bass using kinematic variables as independent variables and peak subambient buccal pressure as the dependent variable

Variabled.f.F-ratioPCumulative r2Slope*
Individual 3.19 0.017 0.135  
Ant. hyoid velocity 64.57 <0.001 0.530 
Ant. hyoid time to peak 53.41 <0.001 0.537 
Buccal area time to peak 40.00 <0.001 0.562 
Ant. hyoid duration 21.33 0.001 0.596 
Post. hyoid duration 19.36 0.002 0.598 
Gape duration 13.75 0.005 0.624 
Significant interaction terms:Ind×a, Ind×b, Ind×c, Ind×d, Ind×e, Ind×f,Ind×g, Ind×h, Ind×i, Ind×j, Ind×k, Ind×l      
Error 75     
Total cumulative r2    0.991  
Variabled.f.F-ratioPCumulative r2Slope*
Individual 3.19 0.017 0.135  
Ant. hyoid velocity 64.57 <0.001 0.530 
Ant. hyoid time to peak 53.41 <0.001 0.537 
Buccal area time to peak 40.00 <0.001 0.562 
Ant. hyoid duration 21.33 0.001 0.596 
Post. hyoid duration 19.36 0.002 0.598 
Gape duration 13.75 0.005 0.624 
Significant interaction terms:Ind×a, Ind×b, Ind×c, Ind×d, Ind×e, Ind×f,Ind×g, Ind×h, Ind×i, Ind×j, Ind×k, Ind×l      
Error 75     
Total cumulative r2    0.991  

The reduced model of main factors is based on the removal from the larger model of main factors and interaction terms yielding P values of greater than 0.4. See text for details of this analysis.

Ant. anterior; Post., posterior; Ind, Individual.


Direction of the slope of correlation between the independent variable and dependent variable.

The interaction terms are listed in ascending order of P value and are coded in Tables 2,3,4,5,6as: a, buccal area peak displacement; b, ant. hyoid time of peak; c, buccal area time of peak; d, buccal area velocity; e, post. hyoid time of peak; f,ant. hyoid peak displacement; g, post. hyoid duration; h, post. hyoid displacement; I, post. hyoid time to peak; j, suspensorium duration; k, buccal area duration; l, gape peak displacement; m, suspensorium time to peak; n,gape time of peak; o, gape velocity; p, ant. hyoid time of peak; q,suspensorium velocity; r, ant. hyoid duration; s, gape time to peak; t, ant. hyoid velocity; u, suspensorium time of peak; v, gape duration; w, post. hyoid velocity.

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