Table 2.

Summary of F-tests for significance of effects in a three-way ANOVA with body-wave amplitude as the dependent variable

Body-wave amplitude 66.0* 101.92* 363.59* 37.0* 17.0* 59.43* 7.0* 
(L(3, 252) (2, 6) (6, 18) (6, 252) (18, 252) (12, 36) (36, 252) 
Body-wave amplitude 66.0* 101.92* 363.59* 37.0* 17.0* 59.43* 7.0* 
(L(3, 252) (2, 6) (6, 18) (6, 252) (18, 252) (12, 36) (36, 252) 

Data are from 4 individuals, 4 cycles per individual, 7 body points, at three swimming speeds.

Table entries are F-values, degrees of freedom are in parentheses.


Significant at P<0.001.

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