Table 1.

Response of ligatured flies to bursicon or cyclic AMP

% Tanning
SolutionWild typerk4/rk4
Saline 0 (10) 0 (10) 
Bursicon 100 (10) 0 (16) 
cAMP 100 (6) 92 (13) 
% Tanning
SolutionWild typerk4/rk4
Saline 0 (10) 0 (10) 
Bursicon 100 (10) 0 (16) 
cAMP 100 (6) 92 (13) 

Saline solutions containing either bursicon or 8-Br-cAMP (100-200 pmoles)were injected into neck-ligatured wild-type or mutant(rk4/rk4) flies.

% Tanning, the percentage of animals that responded to the injection by melanizing their cuticle; the number of animals injected is given in parentheses.

Bursicon was extracted from Sarcophaga bullata nervous system and approximately 0.13 nervous system equivalents were injected into each fly.

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