Table 2.

Intracellular and bath ion activities

ai (mmoll-1)Δμ/F (mV)ai (mmoll-1)Δμ/F (mV)ab (mmoll-1)
Na+ 21±2 (13) -100±3 (13) 33±3 (8) -95±3 (8) 103±4 (21) 
K+ 86±4 (14) 14±2 (14) 71±5 (8) 0±2 (8) 6±1 (22) 
Cl- 32±1 (7) 37±1 (7) 32±5 (6) 33±3 (6) 93±3 (13) 
ai (mmoll-1)Δμ/F (mV)ai (mmoll-1)Δμ/F (mV)ab (mmoll-1)
Na+ 21±2 (13) -100±3 (13) 33±3 (8) -95±3 (8) 103±4 (21) 
K+ 86±4 (14) 14±2 (14) 71±5 (8) 0±2 (8) 6±1 (22) 
Cl- 32±1 (7) 37±1 (7) 32±5 (6) 33±3 (6) 93±3 (13) 

Values are means ± S.E.M. (sample size).

ai, intracellular ion activity; ab,ion activity in the bath; Δμ/F, electrochemical potential.

Cells were stimulated with 10-6 moll-1 serotonin for 30 min.

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