Table 3.

The function of sma-3::gfp constructs in male tail patterning

Frequency of ray fusion (%)
Genotype and transgeneRays 4 and 5Rays 6 and 7Rays 8 and 9n (sides)
him-5(e1490)* 35 
sma-3(wk30);him-5* 22 69 11 55 
sma-3(wk30);him-5;qcEx24[sma-3::gfp(N)+rol-6] 148 
sma-3(wk30);him-5;qcEx42[sma-3::gfp(C)+rol-6] 27 26 84 
him-5;qcEx42[sma-3::gfp(C)+rol-6] 106 
sma-3(wk30);him-5;qcEx57[sma-3::gfp(C)+sma-3::gfp(N)+rol-6] 64 
Frequency of ray fusion (%)
Genotype and transgeneRays 4 and 5Rays 6 and 7Rays 8 and 9n (sides)
him-5(e1490)* 35 
sma-3(wk30);him-5* 22 69 11 55 
sma-3(wk30);him-5;qcEx24[sma-3::gfp(N)+rol-6] 148 
sma-3(wk30);him-5;qcEx42[sma-3::gfp(C)+rol-6] 27 26 84 
him-5;qcEx42[sma-3::gfp(C)+rol-6] 106 
sma-3(wk30);him-5;qcEx57[sma-3::gfp(C)+sma-3::gfp(N)+rol-6] 64 

Savage-Dunn et al.,2000.

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