Table 1.

Cell proliferation in E12.5 control and Fgf9-/- GI tracts

TissueGenotypen*% BrdU±s.d.Pvalue% BrdU±s.d.Pvalue
Cecum +/+, +/- 49±5  43±2  
 -/- 30±5§ P<0.01 23±1§ P<0.0001 
Small intestine +/+, +/- 46±5  34±5  
 -/- 50±3§ ns 36±3§ ns 
Colon +/+, +/- 50±2  42±5  
 -/- 51±3§ ns 41±4§ ns 
TissueGenotypen*% BrdU±s.d.Pvalue% BrdU±s.d.Pvalue
Cecum +/+, +/- 49±5  43±2  
 -/- 30±5§ P<0.01 23±1§ P<0.0001 
Small intestine +/+, +/- 46±5  34±5  
 -/- 50±3§ ns 36±3§ ns 
Colon +/+, +/- 50±2  42±5  
 -/- 51±3§ ns 41±4§ ns 

s.d., standard deviation.

ns, non-significant difference.


n, number of mice counted

P value, two-tail P value from a two-sample t-test assuming equal variances for % BrdU labeled nuclei in Fgf9-/- tissue compared with wild-type or Fgf9+/- tissue

P<0.001, comparison of the BrdU-labeling index in cecal and small intestinal mesenchyme from wild-type mice


P<0.0001, comparison of the BrdU-labeling index in cecal and small intestine and colon epithelium and mesenchyme from Fgf9-/- mice

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