Table 1.

Protein partners of STYLOSA identified in yeast two-hybrid screens

Protein partnerArabidopsis accession no.Antirrhinum accession no.Observed numberSTY-L bait
GRAM At2g45190 AY451396 47 yes 
PROL At2g26580 AY451397 yes 
AmINO At1g23420 AY451400 yes 
AmYAB2 At1g08465 AY451398  no 
AmCRC At1g69180 AY451399 2 yes 
AmSEU1 At5g62090 AJ620907 16 yes 
AmSEU2 At5g62090 AJ620908 nt 
AmSEU3A* At1g43850 AJ620909 11 weak 
AmSEU3B* At1g43850 AJ620910 nt 
STY-L At2g32700 AJ620906 3 nt 
Protein partnerArabidopsis accession no.Antirrhinum accession no.Observed numberSTY-L bait
GRAM At2g45190 AY451396 47 yes 
PROL At2g26580 AY451397 yes 
AmINO At1g23420 AY451400 yes 
AmYAB2 At1g08465 AY451398  no 
AmCRC At1g69180 AY451399 2 yes 
AmSEU1 At5g62090 AJ620907 16 yes 
AmSEU2 At5g62090 AJ620908 nt 
AmSEU3A* At1g43850 AJ620909 11 weak 
AmSEU3B* At1g43850 AJ620910 nt 
STY-L At2g32700 AJ620906 3 nt 

nt, not tested.


Two highly similar proteins encoded by two linked genes.

Weak interaction detected after cloning of the respective protein as the prey.

Interaction in a yeast three-hybrid assay with STY as the bait and AmSEU3A as the ternary factor.

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