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JEB: 100 years of discovery

Summary: This Review considers the history of energy expenditure research and highlights work on daily energy expenditure in primates, focusing specifically on measures of total energy expenditure.


Summary: Mallards use a -constant braking strategy to regulate landing on water, but with less braking than in other animals. This results in mallards impacting the landing substrate at greater velocities than previously seen in pigeons.

Highlighted Article: An Ecuadorian cactus acoustically advertises its flowers to bats with a sound-absorbing structure. Sound dampening is achieved by fine hairs on the surface of the cactus.

Summary: Crows possess active working memory enabling them to cognitively control and safeguard the memorization of relevant information.


Summary: Chronic estradiol replacement in ovariectomized mice influences voltage-gated potassium channel function.

Highlighted Article: Endurance running capacity of deer mice is reduced above ambient temperatures of 35°C, when body temperatures exceed 40°C; this upper threshold for impairment of endurance corresponds to temperatures that induced heat responses at rest.

Summary: Exposure of deer mice to conditions simulating peak summer disrupts body temperature and reduces activity and body mass; daytime heat exposure may have detrimental impacts that persist at cooler night-time temperatures.

Summary: Extension and retraction of gorgonian polyps can modify their local environment for more efficient feeding and drag reduction.

Summary: Sub-Antarctic crabs may economize on ion regulatory capabilities to apportion energy for metabolic processes. They hyper/hypo-regulate chloride well but osmoconform or hyperosmoregulate weakly; sodium is strongly hyper-regulated. Gill transporter gene expressions diverge markedly.

Summary: Inter-individual variation in field behavior is related to performance ability, which in turn reflects differences in morphology and physiology, although not parasite load, in a population of lizards.

Highlighted Article: Toco toucan (Ramphastos toco) bills play an important role in heat exchange. Insulating the bill leads to higher metabolic rates at high temperatures, as toucans engage in more costly thermolytic mechanisms.


JEB: 100 years of discovery
JEB: 100 years of discovery
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