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Summary: Varying energy demands for locomotion can lead to an energy allocation trade-off between traits that may influence individual fitness, group function and species communities in different environments.


Summary: Agar provides a suitable material to build biophysical models mimicking the evaporative properties of typical amphibians in the absence of an integumental barrier to evaporation, especially at 5% agar concentration.


Summary: A simple slope method reveals that 4 min of walking at speeds of 0.50–1.75 m s−1 is the minimum time required to produce an accurate net cost of transport curve.

Summary: The proteome of an alpine Crenobia alpina population shows plasticity in response to acclimation to warmer temperatures.

Summary: Active exploration of an environment induces stronger activation of the hippocampus and taeniae of domestic chicks than pure visual, passive exploration from a restricted area.

Highlighted Article: An ex vivo analysis of the isolated heart of the electric catfish reveals no signs of any electrical immunity.

Editor's choice: Reduced food availability increases two measures of stress in developing red kite nestlings by a reduced food intake affecting both their nutritional state and their social environment.

Highlighted Article: Development of the cricket cuticular hydrocarbon profile under varying conditions of humidity suggests that compounds that respond to a drying environment might be the same compounds used by males in sexual signalling.

Highlighted Article: During tandem running, a leading ant teaches a follower the route to a resource. Key features of real tandem runs were successfully reproduced using a gantry as a robotic leader.

Summary: Quantification of climbing flight kinematics among closely related butterfly species living in different strata reveals contrasted climbing flight ability, probably resulting from divergent flight behaviour and morphology.

Summary: Analysis of metabolic rates and escape responsiveness in pumpkinseed sunfish highlights the importance of considering parasite load when studying the physiological and behavioural performance of wild animal populations.

Highlighted Article: Experimental evidence that a dedicated cleaner fish, Labroides dimidiatus, can temporarily transport adult parasites, indicating the potential for parasites to exploit this route as a mechanism for transmission and spread.

Summary: The pulsed jet is the main driver of maneuvers in squid, with jet properties and performance metrics differing according to turn orientation.


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